Episode 203

Published on:

10th Apr 2024

Building Your Confidence: Being the Main Character of Your Own Life: Confident People Make Choices and Take Action

“Action is the currency of a life well lived.”

This truth shows up in our lives every day. We must take action in our lives and not just wish things would change. Without action, there won’t be change and many aspects of life wouldn’t happen. We all must take action if we want to live our lives well.

We are talking on today’s show about building confidence and being the main character of our own lives. To do this, we must make choices and then take action. Choices always precede action and action must follow our choices or we won’t do anything.

This means we must walk in the confidence of making decisions. We can’t live a main character's life if we aren’t willing to make the main character's decisions.

1. A Confident Person Removes the Unnecessary Obstacles

- What are some unnecessary obstacles standing between us and a life of confidence?

- Worry

- The Trivial

- Savior Complex/Perfectionism

- Interesting Distractions

2. A Confident Person Embraces the Important Obstacles

- Choose: Pick the key area you need to grow in the most

- Your growth in one area gives you the strength and belief to tackle other areas

- Move: Be patient, keep moving

- Endure: Expect failures. Don’t take it personally

- Ask: Get coaching and help


Courage Starts Now

- Growth is inside out and on the way. It's on the path, not at the end of the path so start moving in a direction

- Avoid Analysis paralysis= walking in mental circles

- Don’t Use Thinking and Planning to Stall Progress

Watch and Enjoy!

David & Reese Maxwell



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About the Podcast

The Thriving Man Podcast
Helping Men Live a Life They can be Proud of!
Many guys get trapped in focusing on one area of their life at the expense of everything else. It could be their physical health, their career, a sport, or even a hobby. The problem is this: A Truly Successful Life isn't one-dimensional! That is why there are miserable millionaires. Who cares how much money you have if, for example, you have no one you can call a true friend?
There has to be a better approach than this.
The Thriving Man Podcast helps men grow in the 4 fundamentals of their life: Emotional, Mental, Physical, & Spiritual. We help men see that "Success is Inside Out and On the Way!"

About your host

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David and Reese Maxwell

Over 40 Years Of Combined Mentoring Experience
David and Reese Maxwell are a father and son duo with a passion to help men live the best life possible.