Episode 216

Published on:

10th Jul 2024

Common Misconceptions about the Bible

Have you ever had a misconception about someone and then when you met them you found it to be wrong? We all have done that at some time or another. Many people are like that when it comes to the Bible.

The Bible is very different from any other book and too many people don’t read it for themselves or try to understand it. They often go off of things they heard or saw in a video but they don’t find out for themselves. This week’s show will dive into some of the common misconceptions people have about the Bible.

The Bible is a Rulebook:

  • While the Bible does contain guidelines for living a moral and ethical life, it is much more than a rulebook.
  • It offers wisdom, guidance, and inspiration for navigating the complexities of human existence.
  • Every law in the Bible is not a copy and paste for our lives today.
  • The Bible has many narrative stories that teach us truths to apply to our lives

The Bible Should Be a Scientific Book:

  • The Bible is not a scientific textbook and should not be read as such.
  • It was written in a pre-scientific era and uses metaphorical language to convey spiritual truths.
  • The scientific lens is not always the best lens to apply to the Bible because we often have chronological snobbery
  • God spoke through the worldview of the people of the day
  • The Bible was not written as a self-help book

The Bible’s Irrelevant in the Modern World:

  • While the Bible was written in a different time and cultural context, its messages and teachings are still relevant today.
  • The Bible addresses universal human experiences and offers timeless wisdom for navigating life's challenges.
  • The Bible is known as wisdom literature
  • It’s goal is not to give you the video footage of every detail

By dispelling these misconceptions, we can approach the Bible with a fresh perspective and open ourselves to its transformative power.


  • Don’t try to see yourself all the time as you read the Bible.
  • Ask God to reveal Himself and His timeless truth to you as you continue reading Proverbs



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  • Learn about the 4 fundamentals of a Successful Life


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The Thriving Man Podcast
Helping Men Live a Life They can be Proud of!
Many guys get trapped in focusing on one area of their life at the expense of everything else. It could be their physical health, their career, a sport, or even a hobby. The problem is this: A Truly Successful Life isn't one-dimensional! That is why there are miserable millionaires. Who cares how much money you have if, for example, you have no one you can call a true friend?
There has to be a better approach than this.
The Thriving Man Podcast helps men grow in the 4 fundamentals of their life: Emotional, Mental, Physical, & Spiritual. We help men see that "Success is Inside Out and On the Way!"

About your host

Profile picture for David and Reese Maxwell

David and Reese Maxwell

Over 40 Years Of Combined Mentoring Experience
David and Reese Maxwell are a father and son duo with a passion to help men live the best life possible.