Episode 213

Published on:

19th Jun 2024

Overcoming Procrastination: Part 1

We have worked to better understand procrastination and its negative effects over the last few weeks. Now we will explore some practical tips and techniques to overcome procrastination and boost productivity in our lives. This is a mixture of practical things we can do each day along with some mental shifts and changes that can help us beat procrastination in our lives.

Creating a Productive Work Environment

How you behave is deeply influenced by where you are and what you’re surrounded by.

The environment in which we work can have a significant impact on our ability to stay focused and motivated.

You want your environment to be a tactical advantage for you.

Start by removing any potential distractions from your workspace.

  • Minimize the distractions.
  • Find a separate place to do deeper work

Make your workspace comfortable and visually appealing.

Setting Realistic Goals and Deadlines

Goals are a tool to help you focus on moving in the right direction, not an intimidating barrier to keep you from taking a first step.

Clear goals give direction

  • Without a clear sense of direction, it's easy to get overwhelmed and lose motivation.

Realistic Goals Give motivation

  • Your goal can be specific, but impossible.
  • We can’t mistake goals for dreams. Your goals are stepping stones toward achieving God-given dreams.
  • Dreaming is good, but when it comes to focusing your actions today, you need something a bit more practical.

Great goals are scalable

  • By breaking down your larger goals into smaller, more manageable projects and tasks, you can bring a sense of urgency and purpose to the behavior of today.
  • When setting deadlines, be honest with yourself about how long tasks will take.
  • It can be helpful to use a planner or digital calendar to schedule your tasks and deadlines.

Prioritizing Tasks and Managing Time Effectively

As we said in episode 211, prioritizing your goals and tasks is not the same as procrastinating.

Life will always want more from you, so you have to learn to develop a way of filtering between worthwhile pursuits and distractions.

Effective task management is crucial for overcoming procrastination and maximizing productivity

Simple Task Management: The Eisenhower Matrix

Start by listing all your tasks and then categorize them into one of four quadrants

  1. Important and urgent
  2. Important but not urgent
  3. Urgent but not important
  4. Not urgent or important.

Focus your energy on important and urgent tasks, and delegate or eliminate tasks that are not important or urgent.

Simple Time Management when there’s no Motivation: The Pomodoro Technique

  • This involves breaking your work into timed intervals, typically 25 minutes of focused work followed by a short break of 5 minutes.
  • After 4 rounds of this, you take a 25-minute break.


Implement one of the 3 things first:

  1. Clear and Realistic Goal Setting (For if you lack clarity in what you’re going for)
  2. Scalable Goals (semester goals, weekly goals, daily tasks) (For if you’re having trouble connecting your goals with your daily activities)
  3. Implement a task management or time management system and see how it works for you
  • Eisenhower Matrix (If all your tasks are on the same level of importance in your mind)
  • Pomodoro Technique (If you have trouble starting or pacing yourself during intense work.)

Prototype and have fun experimenting!



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  • Learn about the 4 fundamentals of a Successful Life


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About the Podcast

The Thriving Man Podcast
Helping Men Live a Life They can be Proud of!
Many guys get trapped in focusing on one area of their life at the expense of everything else. It could be their physical health, their career, a sport, or even a hobby. The problem is this: A Truly Successful Life isn't one-dimensional! That is why there are miserable millionaires. Who cares how much money you have if, for example, you have no one you can call a true friend?
There has to be a better approach than this.
The Thriving Man Podcast helps men grow in the 4 fundamentals of their life: Emotional, Mental, Physical, & Spiritual. We help men see that "Success is Inside Out and On the Way!"

About your host

Profile picture for David and Reese Maxwell

David and Reese Maxwell

Over 40 Years Of Combined Mentoring Experience
David and Reese Maxwell are a father and son duo with a passion to help men live the best life possible.