Episode 195

Published on:

14th Feb 2024

The Most Important Attitude Women Want in a Man

One of the biggest hindrances to a man’s growth is insecurity. One of the most important attitudes that women want in a man is security. Is there any wonder why we are having so many relational problems today? Too many men are struggling with their insecurity so they can’t bring a sense of security to the women they are trying to get close to. The problem for many men is they think being secure is being full of pride. This is because many men assume that men who are full of pride are secure. However, this isn’t the case most of the time. Many men hide their insecurity by inflating themselves with pride.

On today’s show, we discuss the need for security among men and why women want it in their men. We also discuss what real security is and why it isn’t the bad version of pride.

Security=Combination of being Genuinly Humble and Confident

- It’s all about Knowing who you are, Where you are headed in life, and being comfortable with yourself.

- When a man is secure in who he is, people (including women) usually want to be around them

Pride hides weaknesses

- Because pride is like self-worship, it lives in denial

- Prideful men don’t want others to see them mess up and they work hard to maintain their “image”

- Women don’t like men who lie to themselves because they will often lie to everyone else to maintain their image

Security laughs at weaknesses

- A secure man knows that he is a human being with strengths and weaknesses, and is ok with that.

- Secure men are ok with telling you how they messed up

- Women like a man who doesn’t take themselves too seriously.

- Pride puts others down

- When a man is quick to put others down, it is his pride showing

- Insecure men are often the ones who have to make fun of others so they feel good about themselves

- Security lifts people up

- Secure men realize other people are human beings with imperfections and know when to cut them slack.

- They know that other people are growing too.

- This doesn’t mean secure men don’t hold people accountable

- Women don’t want a man to be a dictator that tears them down- they want a man that believes in them and lifts them up.


- Ask yourself, “How do I treat people who can do nothing for me?” store clerk, Walmart check out, waiter, or waitress

- We must be willing to look at our life honestly and see if our motivations are based on pride or security

- Thriving men are secure men

- This doesn’t mean we are perfect but it means we are on a journey of growth and positive change

- You will be a better man and women will find you more attractive

Watch and Enjoy!

David & Reese Maxwell



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About the Podcast

The Thriving Man Podcast
Helping Men Live a Life They can be Proud of!
Many guys get trapped in focusing on one area of their life at the expense of everything else. It could be their physical health, their career, a sport, or even a hobby. The problem is this: A Truly Successful Life isn't one-dimensional! That is why there are miserable millionaires. Who cares how much money you have if, for example, you have no one you can call a true friend?
There has to be a better approach than this.
The Thriving Man Podcast helps men grow in the 4 fundamentals of their life: Emotional, Mental, Physical, & Spiritual. We help men see that "Success is Inside Out and On the Way!"

About your host

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David and Reese Maxwell

Over 40 Years Of Combined Mentoring Experience
David and Reese Maxwell are a father and son duo with a passion to help men live the best life possible.