Episode 235

Published on:

20th Nov 2024

The Practical Power of Values

What good are values? How do they help us in the everyday chaos of life?

That is what we are talking about on the show today. We will discuss how values are essential for us as we navigate life. Just like a compass helps sailors arrive at their destination, values guide us to live empowered lives. This means each day can be rich and full of meaning no matter what you do for a job or how many tasks you have to accomplish.

Values Help Us Live Focused in the Chaos of Life

  • Values can act as a compass and bring focus amidst the chaos.
  • Values give us direction on what action to take.
  • Values help us cut out the unnecessary or unimportant in our lives.

Values are an Antidote to Aimlessness

  • Without values, we aren’t aiming our lives in any specific direction
  • Values force us to choose.
  • If we don’t choose a direction for our lives, someone or something else will choose for us.
  • The current of life draws us towards the easy and the urgent. The easy and the urgent are rarely the important.
  • Not choosing is a choice.

Values are an Antidote to Overwhelm

  • A million different voices are screaming at us that we NEED to do their thing. (Buy their product, take their course, follow their advice, etc.)
  • There is a dangerous assumption in our world that we can do everything.
  • You CANNOT do it all. “Teach us to number our days, that we might gain a heart of wisdom.”(Psalm 90:12)
  • We don’t need to do everything. We just need to do the right things
  • The difference between a light and a laser is the focus.
  • The difference between surviving and thriving is the focus.




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About the Podcast

The Thriving Man Podcast
Helping Men Live a Life They can be Proud of!
Many guys get trapped in focusing on one area of their life at the expense of everything else. It could be their physical health, their career, a sport, or even a hobby. The problem is this: A Truly Successful Life isn't one-dimensional! That is why there are miserable millionaires. Who cares how much money you have if, for example, you have no one you can call a true friend?
There has to be a better approach than this.
The Thriving Man Podcast helps men grow in the 4 fundamentals of their life: Emotional, Mental, Physical, & Spiritual. We help men see that "Success is Inside Out and On the Way!"

About your host

Profile picture for David and Reese Maxwell

David and Reese Maxwell

Over 40 Years Of Combined Mentoring Experience
David and Reese Maxwell are a father and son duo with a passion to help men live the best life possible.